Recovery Podcast
We are a Ministry of service, seeing broken people physically, emotionally and spiritually healed and thriving in their lives. Our team brings you Recovery Podcast twice a month, sharing stories, interviews and insights for those seeking to live a transformed life. It’s our goal to inform, engage and inspire all who listen. Subscribe to this podcast on whatever platform you use and get it delivered on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
Recovery Podcast
51 - Amanda Niverson
Discover the extraordinary journey of Amanda Niverson in part two of this two-part episode, where she shares her triumph over addiction and her deep-rooted faith. Amanda's story is a powerful testament to the possibility of recovery and the strength that comes from unwavering belief. Join us for an insightful conversation on finding hope and sobriety through faith.
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At Volunteers of America Northern Rockies we engage those we serve with an intentional focus that meets needs, educates, uplifts and inspires. We also recognize how much we all need to hear positive stories of lives transformed. That’s why we created Recovery Podcast.
Recovery Podcast is a collection of interviews designed to share stories of recovery and faith from Volunteers of America Northern Rockies past and present. It is our honor to share them with a belief they will enlighten and encourage. From amazing testimonies of hope to educating around serving our community in need, our podcast will inform, engage and inspire.
There are so many powerful stories to be told from our amazing, rich history. And that’s the point of this podcast. H.G. Wells said that human history is the history of ideas. Some of those ideas are of course based around our growth in technology and structure. Yet, many ideas have been inspired by faith to help humanity overcome the physical, mental and spiritual challenges of life. We want to share our ideas with you because we know they’ve helped restore countless lives.
Many of our leaders are among the top professionals in their field, navigating their teams through the changing landscape of human services. In the coming months we’ll hear interviews from many of them, sharing their expertise in the world of addiction treatment, homeless services, veteran support, moral injury and so much more.
We also have a diverse portfolio of partners that have joined forces with us to provide practical self-care education, spiritual direction and helped bring deeper understanding of what it means to be true servant leaders. We will bring you special interviews with many of our current and past partners, offering insight into how they helped us grow, and we trust it will help many of you as well.
Today’s music is courtesy of Free Music Archive. This week you heard tunes by Ketsa who also composed our theme music.